日頃Austin Japan Community(AJC)の活動にご理解・ご協力をいただき
4月9日(土)「3年ぶりのAJC Street Cleanup 」
2020年にコロナによるパンデミック宣言が発出されて以降、AJCは全ての対面行事をキャンセルし、オンラインに切り替えました。AJCが基幹事業の一角として位置付けている「地域貢献」活動も3年間の休止を余儀なくされていましたが、KAB (Keep Austin Beautiful)の年次イベントであるKAB Dayが2年ぶりに開催され、AJCはこのイベントに参加しました。当日は31人の参加者を得、各自旧交を深めながらの2時間となりました。
In 2020, with the onset of the pandemic, AJC was forced to cancel all in-person events and go entirely virtual. We were so happy to be back participating in KAB ( Keep Austin Beautiful) and proud to finally be able to return to activities supporting one of our core missions: community contributions. The 31 participants spent two hours beautifying our city, rekindling old friendships, and sparking new ones.
According to KAB statistics, the citywide event covered 52 areas with separate groups and collected 11,000 pounds of trash!
We hope to continue contributing to beautifying the wonderful city we live in for many years to come.
4月9日~15日 第2回スカベンジャーハント
ソーシャルディスタンスを保ちつつ、SNSを駆使し、インパーソン+インタラクティブなExplore Japan in Austin スカベンジャーハントは昨年初めて開催され、大好評につき第二回目の開催となりました。
AJC held the 2nd Explore Japan Austin "Scavenger Hunt" from 4/9 - 4/16. The purpose of this event was to support Japanese and Japanese-related retail businesses in the Austin area and introduce AJC's missions to Austinites. We had more than 100 people sign up for the event; our Instagram followers have increased by 300%. It was a huge success!
Thank you so much to everyone involved. Explore Japan in Austin will be one of AJC's annual events. We are looking forward to seeing new people throughout this event next year!
4月24日(日) AJCこどもの日フェスティバル
ラウンドロックのCat Hollow Parkにて、ファミリーサポートコミッティーによる「こどもの日フェスティバル」が開催されました。
The AJC Family Committee hosted an event to celebrate Children's Day in Japan (Children's Day is traditionally on May 5th). The event was held at Cat Hollow Park in Round Rock. 68 families, including 124 children, participated in the event! There were various Japanese traditional games and toys to enjoy and various crafts, including Japanese calligraphy, DIY kites, Japanese fan decorating, postcard art, iris art, coloring, and bath bomb making. The festival gifts for all the children include Japanese snacks in a fish-shaped bag for the fishing activity, Japanese traditional water yo-yos from the yo-yo fishing and goods from the lottery. The park was filled with joy. Traditional Children's Day decorations - Koinobori (carp streamers) also brought a feeling of celebrating this special event in Japan.
これに引き続き、4月24日に開催されたAJCこどもの日フェスティバルにおいて、集まった義援金にAJCがマッチする形で、追加義援金を「World Food Program USA」に寄付致しましたことをここにご報告致します。
The AJC also had the opportunity to support Ukrainian refugees, forced to leave their own country due to recent events.
Yellow-san, a Japanese artist and musician who is quite active in Austin, contributed to this effort by designing a T-shirt supporting Ukraine. In addition to collecting donations, AJC purchased some shirts to give as a thank you to new members.
Following this, we are pleased to announce that AJC matched the donations collected at the AJC Children's Day Festival held on April 24 with an additional donation to the "World Food Program USA."
From the bottom of our hearts, we would like to thank everyone for their kind contributions.